Accord – A set of rules baked into every encephalon and subroutine which ensures that the safety of humans and humankind is always central to their behavior and decisions.
Adept – A type of symbiote, of high intelligence, skilled in multiple scientific areas, and trained to utilize that knowledge to maximum effect within a Convergence setting. They are highly sought after for the purposes of R&D.
Aiforge – A secret research facility in Scandinavia on Earth where new AI designs are produced and the blueprints for all AI designs are kept.
Amp – A type of symbiote, skilled in finding and promoting strong ideas during a convergence session. Typically a specialized role only required in certain circumstances or during very large or highly complex sessions.
Autofab – An automated nano/pico tech factory, ranging in size from suitcase size to space dock size, able to produce artifacts from supplies of base elements according to a given blueprint.
Automator – Lowest level subroutine in the AI hierarchy. Responsible for performing simple repetitive tasks such as monitoring appliances, self-driving vehicles, food preparation etc.
Basic– The universal currency of the systems Collective. A baseline amount is given to all humans regardless of their means. Beyond that, extra credit is earned by receiving citation.
Biothenticator – A multi-factor authentication device commonly used throughout the Collective. General utilizing varying degrees of strength – from full DNA sampling to iris, facial or fingerprint recognition.
Bioshell – A human-like synthetic body into which AI minds download, sometimes permanently.
Blinksuit – A suit equipped with advanced camouflage capabilities. Extremely expensive, power-hungry and rare.
Bot – derogatory term for a bioshell or hardshell.
Bad-lib – An egoflick or similar Infiniti entertainment realm that has either been corrupted with, or deliberately created with, a virus. Often used to blackmail or steal from unsuspecting users, they can also be responsible for dangerous medical outcomes.
Biofence – A powered fence composed of an active latticework of smart nano particles that are designed to selectively deny access to a living creature based upon the composition of its DNA.
Camoware – Less advanced version of a blinksuit that provides passable level of camouflage. Popular amongst the military and security forces.
Catalog – Ubiquitous online portfolios of downloadable designs and creations for everything from recipes, clothing, hairstyles, tattoos and furniture to whole room or building designs. Creative catalogues are a common way in which citizens occupy their time and earn additional funds through citation.
Ceph – Slang term, originally short for encephalon but now used to refer to any subroutine.
Chemplant – A biochemistry implant that monitors the host’s body chemistry to maintain stable emotional state, prevent depression, excessive fear etc. Can also be use to induce legal highs, reduce the effects of drugs and alcohol etc.
Citation – A secondary form of currency within the Collective, earned via working, creating, volunteering or by selfless acts. Citation is automatically allocated by specialised subroutines based on an individual’s achievements and efforts. Whilst citation can be converted to basic and spent like currency, it is held in high regard amongst citizens as a measure of an individual’s standing and contribution and is therefore often kept or shared rather than converted.
Collective – short for Systems Collective, the interstellar civilization of humanity in the 24th century.
Convergence – The universal process by which multiple humans coordinate with an AI subroutine within an Infiniti realm or other similar context to execute a complex process or operation. Often the process revolves around design but can be any given task. The process requires the involvement of a skilled set of humans known as symbiotes to maintain and coordinate the mental processes of the other humans involved.
Critter – A synthetic animal with a rudimentary implanted AI routine. Often kept as pets due to their improved intelligence over the real thing.
Dark Hundred – One hundred year period spanning from the middle of the twenty-first century until the middle of the twenty-second century during which human society, and the planet’s ecology, came perilously close to global collapse and mass extinction.
Disruptor collar – A slim torque of metal that attaches to the wearer’s neural hub, restricting their ability to utilize their implants. Generally used in a very limited fashion by law enforcement the device can be used unlawfully to fully cut off a wearer’s implant operation.
Drone – An autonomous AI controlled entity typically capable of flight. Used throughout the Collective for many purposes including security, delivery, repairs etc.
Drop Code – A unique phrase each Infiniti user adopts and exercises when they wish to return to the real world.
Digifilm – A sheet of electronic paper with a persistent UniNet connection and onboard storage.
Encephalon – One of the high ranking, extremely advanced AI constructs responsible for top level governance. All subroutine AIs throughout the society are part of a process hierarchy in which an encephalon is at the apex.
Encephelarchy – The government of the Systems Collective, a conclave of a fourteen encephalons who make decisions and plan based on continuous feedback from citizens and the advice of the elected human Advisory Council.
Envirosuit – A specialized, high quality, all in one suit designed for ensuring the comfort and protection of the wearer in extreme environmental conditions. Typically utilizing an integrated nano-factory for on-the-fly upgrading and customization. Expensive models may also provide a certain amount of protection via integrated armor and shielding as well as wearer vital sign monitoring and automated treatment.
Egoflick – An Infiniti realm or full-immersion entertainment package based around a scenario where the user or users play lead characters.
Ephemeral – A classification of short-lived subroutine of limited intellect, typically spawned to provide some relatively straightforward task such as driving a car, monitoring internal environments, operating machinery etc. Automators and microvisors both fall under this classification.
Eternal – A classification of long-lived, possibly permanent, subroutine typically of at least human intellect and responsible for more complex tasks and interactions. Executors, Intellivisors, Macrovisors and Omnivisors are examples of eternal subroutines.
Executor – The lowest class of non-ephemeral subroutine, one level below an intellivisor in the AI hierarchy. Typically possessing an intellect similar to that of the average human. Often responsible for human-facing operations such as housekeeping, education, tele-health, retail etc.
Feeds – An individual’s customised data connections that provide real-time, always-on, streaming data directly into their neural hub and HUD.
Finder Chip – A common NICAM upgrade chip that provides the individual with faster UniNet integration, performing on demand searches, in-HUD visual lookups, collation, and storage of results to a preset artificial memory slot for later perusal by the host individual.
Flycam – A small mobile camera synched with an individual’s neural hub and able to provide face-to-face video communication with others.
Golden Dozen – The primary, highly developed inner core colony planets on which the bulk of the Collective population outside of Sol reside.
Halfbot – Term for someone with extensive implants or augmentations.
Handholo – A small implant in the palm of the hand from which holographic projections can be generated. Wirelessly connected to the individual’s neural hub such that the user can control it by thought alone. Often used as a means to share content with others.
Hardshell – A non-biological robotic alternative to a bioshell into which subroutines will temporarily deploy.
Hardsuit – A solid shell alternative to an envirosuit that provides additional protection. Heavier models often employ powered exoskeleton capabilities to allow for faster movement or heavy lifting. Generally offering extensive armored protection as well as high level shield generators, a full trauma module and an e-warfare suite.
Holoscreen – A holographic display technology used extensively throughout the Collective for work, entertainment, transportation and many other purposes.
Hub – See Neural hub
HUD – Heads up display, a vital part of most 24th century human’s sensory capabilities. Depending on the capabilities of the model it will provide at a basic level, AR overlays, chronological functions, mapping and direction finding, ranging through inbox messaging, picture in picture, memory search, store and recall playback, alternative visual spectrums, vital signs and health updates, UniNet search and playback all the way up to high end military functions such as targeting and tracking, weapons UI, shield and armor status, tactical overlays and much more.
Holovertisment – Holographic displays that provide generic or user tailored content, activated by the proximity of an individual.
Immie – A full immersion media experience. The equivalent of a 21st century film but experienced within the Infiniti as though you were a bystander or protagonist.
Infiniti – The VR companion to the UniNet, composed of a vast collection of VR realms that provide a completely immersive means to work, play, meet and communicate. Fidelity is typically identical to real life.
InfiniSec – Collective wide cyber-security force composed primarily of specialized subroutines dedicated to maintaining safety within the Infiniti.
Intellivisor – A mid-rank eternal subroutine typically responsible for large scale complex tasks such as running small orgs, city blocks, substantial facilities, large non-military craft.
Jacked-In – The act of being fully submerged into an Infiniti session, whereby all sensory input to an individual’s brain is redirected to the simulation.
Kernelists – A cadre of exceptionally secretive scientists working within AiForge. They are the only individuals in the Collective licensed to legally develop new AI technology and are the keepers of the core blueprints of the Encephalons. Sworn to utter secrecy, they rarely if ever leave the facility.
Kithouse – A public entertainment venue specializing in the provision of full-immersion Infiniti rigs for those who lack the equipment to undertake longer sessions or whose neural hubs are not advanced enough to provide such experiences on their own.
Locked-in – The worst case scenario for an Infiniti addict whereby the individual now has an inverted sense of reality and no longer realises they are in a simulation.
Lovehouse – A kithouse that specialises in custom erotic Infiniti realms and scenarios.
Macrovisor – High level non-ephemeral AI subroutine that is below only Omnivisor level in the hierarchy. Typically responsible for city or region management or in managing large organizations.
Microvisor – An empheral low-level subroutine typically tasked with minor areas of responsibility, for example individual processes within a building, room or vehicle.
Medplant – A standard implant used to monitor an individual’s health, prevent common diseases, actively repair the body and provide early alerts to more serious medical issues.
Memplant – An implant added to a user’s neural hub providing synthetic memory storage and attendant software to allow memories to be transferred between the biological brain and the implant. Better models provide stronger encyption, higher capacities and dedicated strongboxing and backup capabilities.
Mindcomm – Hub to hub instant messaging. The ability to send and read short messages instantly without speaking or hearing them.
Mindsync– Hub to hub virtual telepathy. The majority of humans can carry out limited telepathy with the appropriate NICAM implants. However most lack the skills to maintain a mindsync link whilst multitasking. Those with advanced skills in mindcomm are referred to as mindpaths. Orchestrators are generally skilled mindpaths.
Mindhack – The act of accessing the memories and thoughts (both organic and synthetic) of another individual either without the other persons knowledge or against their will. At a basic level it might involve merely reading stored memories, at the highly skilled level it can involve altering memories, inducing emotions or even delayed triggering of a desired behaviour in an individual via a later encountered codeword or situation. Generally requires advanced hacking tools and implants to break through the firewalls and encryption tools that protect an individual’s neural hub.
Mindhacker – Someone with highly advanced skills, and the necessary tools, that is able to access or manipulate the memories or thoughts of another person with or without their knowledge or permission.
Mindpath – An individual with sufficient skills in mindsyncing to maintain an active mindsync link whilst multitasking or over a prolonged period of time.
Muse – A type of symbiote that is highly sought after for their ability to generate highly creative ideas or solutions during a convergence session.
Neural hub – Officially known as a NICAM (Neural Interface Connector Architecture Module). A neural hub is a form of external brain-device interface surgically implanted at the base of the skull into which non permanent upgrades can be applied. Can also be used for rapid non wireless uplinking. More expensive variants offer more slots, better quality interface with the brain. Commonly referred to as a hub. All Collective citizens are implanted with a hub at an early age. Possession of an active hub is a condition of citizenship.
Nanostim – A device containing a cocktail of nanobots, designed to kick-start an individual’s nervous system in an emergency.
Nanofactory – A specialized, often miniaturized version of an autofab.
Nutriprinter – A ubiquitous device capable of producing almost any kind of food or drink from downloadable recipes by manufacturing ingredients at the molecular level.
Omnivisor – Planetary level non-ephemeral subroutine, one level below an Encephalon in the AI hierarchy. Responsible for strategic planetary-wide systems. For example climate, defense, macro-economy, resource management, energy distribution etc.
Orchestrator – A type of symbiote that carries out the roles of coordination and management during a human-AI convergence session. Generally skilled in mindpathy and highly sought after, their activities can range from small scale sessions of only a few individuals and low level subroutines looking after relatively unimportant decisions, to thousands of humans and high level subroutines planning or creating at the planetary scale.
Org – An entity registered within the Systems Collective with the express purpose of carrying out business.
Plasticbot – Early generation bioshell so called for their uncanny appearance and stilted behavior.
Progmat – Intelligent, programmable matter. Extensively used throughout the Collective, it provides matter that can be remodeled to either change the style or function of an object. Many objects have multiple preset styles but new designs can be downloaded from online catalogs or individuals can remodel using software upgrades to their NICAM called a progmat studio. See also smartmat.
Proving – A series of rigorous tests undertaken upon every subroutine, the lowest ranks excepted, at the end of their imprinting. It assesses their stability and detects any algorithmic flaws that may be present. A subroutine is only declared fit for duty once it has passed the proving.
Pureskin – A human with no augmentations who has refused to become a citizen of the Collective. Generally unable to take an active part in Collective society and regarded as outcasts. Often live in enclaves or outlying, abandoned areas.
Quaestor – A highly skilled field operative of the Quaestorius. Typically part intelligence officer, part special forces, they are equipped with bleeding edge technology and augmentations. They answer only to the Encephalons themselves.
Quaestorius – The mythical military intelligence / anti-terrorist force responsible for ensuring the safety and stability of the Systems Collective. Directly responsible to the Encephelarchy.
Quaestorium – Headquarters of the highly secretive Quaestorius. Distinctive, Gothic inspired landmark located in the city of Valles on Mars and publicly know as the Collective Intelligence Services headquarters.
Quaestor-Auxilia – A highly trained, supplementary paramilitary force attached to the Quaestorius that generally provide the manpower in Quaestor led military operations.
Recell– The process of cellular rejuvenation during which the body cells internal clock is effectively reset and a cocktail of senolytic theraphies employed, thereby reversing the aging process and enabling extremely long lifespans. Each citizen is entitled to a recell treatment every thirty years, though more regular interventions can be purchased at an individual’s own cost.
Reclamationist – An individual who specialises in retrieving and rehabilitating those suffering from long term Infiniti addiction, including those who are locked-in.
Regulator – A type of symbiote that mediates and resolves conflict during convergence sessions.
Relife – Less commonly used term for Recell.
Reprofiling – The ability to modify one’s appearance. Generally carried out by specialized subroutines within a clinic setting. Quaestors are rumored to possess advanced implants capable of limited reprofiling on demand.
Rig – An Infiniti immersion rig. A safe resting place where an infiniti user can remain jacked-in for an extended period without worrying about eating, drinking and other bodily functions. Often equipped to ensure the user’s muscles are exercised during a session too.
Sharer – Someone who advertises too much of their emotional state or personal details / opinions via their hub.
SixG – Any latest sixth generation bioshell platform.
Snooper field – A tight band distortion field designed to disrupt audio recording within a small radius.
Starbarge – See Transit Station.
Stratevisor – Macrovisor level eternal AI subroutine that is specialized for military use. Typically deployed to oversee large scale military operations or in military intelligence.
Subroutine – A child process of an encephalon. The common term for an any AI process (encephalons excepted). Can be relatively simple and short-lived eg an ephemeral automator or highly intelligent and long-lived eg an eternal macrovisor.
Systems Collective – The political and societal entity that encompasses the 200 plus star systems occupied by the human race.
Skinwear – Thin smart materials suit containing integrated holographic technology that allows the wearer to download and mimic the appearance of someone else. Consumer grade versions are popular amongst celebrity fans and role-players. Highly restricted military grade variants are rumored to be used by Collective security agencies.
Smartmat – See progmat.
Shallow – A limited fidelity copy of an individual’s Infiniti avatar and human persona generally programmed to provide information whilst conversing in a believable fashion. Shallow variants of popular celebrities or historical figures are hugely popular within the Infiniti.
Symbiote – humans with specialized roles in facilitating the mental convergence of humans with subroutines. Their abilities are highly sought after and in the highest classifications can confer a certain degree of celebrity, particularly amongst muses, orchestrators and adepts.
Tactivisor – Intellivisor level eternal AI subroutine that is specialized for military operations. Typically deployed to command small to medium number of military units.
Telepath – Archaic term for a mindpath.
Tinman – Early generation hardshell, precursor to bioshells.
Transit station – A huge hulking ferry equipped with a long range TD2 drive that plows the routes between sectors of Collective space providing interstellar travel, carrying non-FTL ships, supplies and UniNet refreshes. They are the largest ships in the Collective and function as large cities in their own right.
TD2 – Abbreviation of Trans-Dimensional Tunneling Drive. A propulsion system fueled by antimatter that folds a craft into an upper dimension known as fold-space thereby allowing FTL travel. Generally only available to larger craft due to the technical requirements of the technology, huge ships such as starbarges can generally travel longer distances than small liners which require to make smaller slower hops.
UniNet – Galaxy wide successor to the Internet.
Vactram / Vactrain / Vactube – Highly efficient, high-speed public transport systems in use throughout the Systems Collective.
Visor / Tech-Visor – A device worn or implanted that can be folding into place to provide various functions: lighting, eye protection, additional magnification, additional screen real estate.
Wirehead – An Infiniti addict.